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Heaven If You are not here on Earth poem's summary, Kuvempu's work in English by K.V. Puttappa's...


This poem is English translation work of K.V. Puttappa's poem. It is translated by D.N Naganna a contemporary poet, critic & translator.

In this poem poet Kuvempu says to the people that the heaven as you believe that it is not in the sky, but it is on the beautiful earth. He asks the people if heaven is not here on our earth then where it can be? He says that the Earth is more beautiful than heaven, the gentle flowing of rivers , the snowfall mountains, the green grass, the moonlight, the gentle sunlight, in harvest seasons, the beautiful and green crops gave immense pleasures to the human beings. So the Poet feels that earth is more beautiful than heaven.

He ask us to view heaven when the gentle moon, spills milkey white light, during the full moon on the heaps of grains harvested and think that heaven is here on the Earth.

He tells us that a poet inspired by all this natural beauty writes beautiful poetry which are as sweet as nectar. By writing such poetry the poet creates heaven on Earth or inspires us to think that earth is like heaven.

Everything has an alternative, except the mother Earth 🌎

Having convincingly argued that we do not need to seek heaven in the skies , and this very earth is heavenly in reality, the poet presents to the reader in the last stanza two more pictures of heaven. They are the splendor of harvest and the beauty of the moonlit night. The poet calls these chunks of heaven. The poet wishes the reader to bring to mind the harvest seasons when in every bit of Agricultural land do we see heaps of grains covering the land. Secondly, he mentioned the moonlit night on which , the whole earth seems to be bathed in silvery light.

The poet tells the reader that the poets who enjoy such heavenly sights imbibe the beauty of nature and spill the nectar of heaven through the poetry . This way the poet creates heaven on Earth and celebrates the joys of heaven through his poetry.
