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How COVID-19 compares with Spanish flu?.


πŸ‘‰ COVID-19.

When did it break out?
- 2019.

What caused the pandemic?
- SARS- COV- 2.

Virus source?
- Descendent from a bat Corona virus.

Virus reproduction number?
- 5.7.

- The first human cases were reported in Wuhan city, China, in December 2019. Reports suggest a wholesale market in Wuhan was the source of the outbreak.

Number of people killed?
- 0.73 million.
(as on August 11, 3:40pm) 
1,66,192 in the US alone.
(As on August 11, 3:40pm)

Number of people infected?
- 20.2 million.
(As on August 11, 3:40pm)

- Cough, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, running nose, body pain, headache, vomiting & diarrhea.

- Through respiratory droplets by coughing, sneezing, or talking.
- Through physical human touch.
- Coming in contact with a surface/ object that could possibly have the virus on it and then touching his/her eyes, nose, mouth.

Most affected groups?
- Adults over 65 years with underlying health condition.

Control effects?
- Isolation, quarantine, closing schools, public places, suspending public gatherings.

- 139 candidates in pre clinical trials.
- 28 in clinical stage.
( As on August 10 ).


When did it break out?
- 1918.

What caused the pandemic?

Virus source?
- Birds.

Virus reproduction number?
- 1.4-2.8 .

- First identified in military personnel in the US in the spring of 1918. Reports suggest that more US soldiers died from the 1918 flu than in the world war 1 battle.

Number of people killed?
- At least 50 million world wide, 6,75,000 in the US alone.

Number of people infected?
- About 500 million 
( About one third of the then world population )

Cough, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, running nose, body pain, headache, vomiting & diarrhea.

- Through respiratory droplets by coughing, sneezing, or talking.
- Through physical human touch.
- Coming in contact with a surface/ object that could possibly have the virus on it and then touching his/her eyes, nose, mouth.

Most affected groups?
- Kids younger than 5 year old, youngsters in the 20-40 age group.

Control effects?
Isolation, quarantine, closing schools, public places, suspending public gatherings.

- None .


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